The general visitation of the Province of Warsaw has finished November 9th-12th 2015. During last two months visitors (members of the General Council (Fr. Alberto Eseverri and Br. Jeffrey Rolleand Confreres asked by Fr. General to help with it – Fr. Jaroslav Štelbaský from the Viceprovince of Michalovce and Fr. Ivan Horban from Province of Lviv) – have visited all communities of the province in Poland, Belarus and Polish Confreres they work in Germany.

The end of the visitation coincided with the 283th anniversary of the founding of our Congregation and a visit of Fr. General Michael Brehl CSsR who joined the visitors. The first part of the feast, for over 150 redemptorists, took place in Tuchów, where the Major Seminary of the Province has its seat since 1903. The second meeting was November 12th in Toruń for the northern part of the province – for 50 Confreres.


During the Holy Mass in Tuchów Superior General, referring to the readings of the day, reminded that the Redemptorists have to be like a river flowing out from beneath the sanctuary and they have to bring mercy, healing and life to the poor and most abandoned. It is the condition of the presence of the Congregation in the Church, of its vitality and fidelity to the charism of the Founder, St. Alphonsus Liguori. He pointed to the need to be thankful for our own vocations that they could produce a fruit.


At the afternoon there was a fraternal meeting of all with Fr. General. It was talked about the situation of the Congregation in the world, main issues of the sexennium and a preparation to the General Chapter in 2016. There was a special meeting in the evening for students, novices and postulants as well.

November 10-11th in Tuchów has taken place also a workshop for parish missionaries of the Province of Warsaw. It is organized every year to help them to prepare to preaching of the parish missions and parish retreats (for all parishioners, they are very popular in Poland in Advent and Lent). In the new pastoral year 2015-16 they will preach mainly about the sacrament of baptism (there will be the 1050. anniversary of the Baptism of Poland) and of course about the Jubilee Year of Mercy.

Fr. Mariusz Mazurkiewicz CSsR, Poland