The WYD Redemptorist Youth left Wrocław for Krakow


Over 600 young persons from over the world connected to the Redemptorists have finished their meeting in Wrocław, Poland and have come to Krakow to take part in central events of the WYD.

From July 20th to 25th, 2016, there were occasions to know each other,  for prayer, meeting with the Superior General Fr. Michael Brehl C.Ss.R, and also for sightseeing.

DSC02887Our guests participated in the Masses and catecheses in our parish and also some events prepared by the Archdiocese like: Mercy Fest, Adoration of the Cross, Singing Europe Festival and a Holy Mass with the whole parish on Sunday. They also went  through the Door of Mercy of the local cathedral.

_IMG6036DSC02625DSC02652DSC02686In Krakow there will be around 1500 persons from: Albania, Argentina, Austria, Belarus, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Dominica, France, Germany, Iraq (the biggest group, 200 persons), Italy, Madagascar, Malaysia, Portugal, Peru, Panama, Philippines, Poland, Russia, Singapur, Slovakia, Spain, Taiwan, UK, USA, Ukraine, Vietnam. The most important event of the Group Redemptor is Alphonsian Day on Wendesday, July 27th, 2016 at Podgorski Square in Krakow.


Twitter: @Redemptor2016

Mariusz Mazurkiewicz CSsR, Wrocław, Poland