Redemptorist Spirituality course in Spanish


(Rome, Italy) –  The Redemptorist Spirituality course in Spanish began here in Rome on August 8, 2016, at the Redemptorist Generalate.

The course is arranged like a pilgrimage through the historical Redemptorist places in Italy, so that the participants may get a better awareness about the birth and growth of the Congregation.

The solemn Eucharistic celebration presided over by Fr. Enrique Lopez, CSsR, the vicar General of the Congregation, at the St. Alphonsus Church in via Merulana, Rome, marked the beginning of the course. In the afternoon, Father S. Majorano, CSsR, professor of the Alphonsian Academy, spoke to the participants on the historical developments of the first rule of the CSSR.

56a5401c-c796-4c56-ba58-125fb4e12084Fr. Piotr Chyla, CSsR, director of the Redemptorist Spirituality Center, will be animating the group during the entire course. Fr. Alfonso Amarante and Father E. Lopez will be assisting him with their valuable contributions.

The first three days of the course will take place in Rome at the Generalate House of the Redemptorists. Afterwards the participants will visit the  historical places like Sant’Agata, Materdomini, Muro, Deliceto, Scala, Ciorani, Marianella, Naples, Pompei and Pagani.

 The course will end on August 28, when the participants will return to Rome.