A Felicitation Volume to honour Prof.Brian Johnstone, CSsR


The Australian Redemptorist moral theologian, Prof.Brian Johnstone has been teaching moral theology in various parts of the world, but mainly at the Redemptorist Major Seminary, Ballerat, Australia, Yarra Theological Union, Australia, Accademia Alfonsiana in Rome, Italy and at the Catholic University of America, USA. He has also published numerous theological articles on many topics, to do with bio-medical ethics, war & peace and fundamental moral theology. He has presented papers at international seminars and conferences and also has conducted intensive courses in many parts of the world. As such, it is no exaggeration to say that he has dedicated his entire life mainly to the science of moral theology.

In order to honour him for the immense service he has already rendered in the field of moral theology, two of his former students, Robert Koerpel of the University of St.Thomas in Saint Paul, Minnesota, USA and Vimal Tirimanna, CSsR of the Accademia Alfonsiana have edited a felicitation volume (a festschrift) entitled Contemplating the Future of Moral Theology: Essays in Honor of Brian Johnstone, CSsR. It is published by the Wipf & Stock Publishers. The Foreword is written by the well-known moral theologian and former student of our own Accademia Alfonsiana, Rome, Charles E.Curran, who was a colleague of Brian Johnstone at the Catholic University of America. There are altogether ten theological essays in this volume; seven by Redemptorists (Dennis Billy, Raphael Gallagher, Anthony Kelly, Terrence Kennedy, Marciano Vidal, Aristide Gnada and Vimal Tirimanna), and three by others (James Keenan, Gerald Gleeson and Charles Sherlock). At the end of the volume an up-to-date Bibliography of Johnstone prepared by Michael Kelly, CSsR, is given. The generosity of the Redemptorist Province of Oceania was instrumental in the publication of this volume. A special presentation ceremony is planned in mid-July this year during which the book will be officially released.