Vienna: 6th City Pilgrimage: “Our Mother of Perpetual Help” – 100 Year: “St. Klemens Hofbauer-Committee”


On 27 June the now traditional city pilgrimage (every month on the 27th) to the Redemptorist St Mary’s Church in Vienna-Hernals took place. The bishop of the Diocese of Eisenstadt, Dr. Ägidius Zsifkovics, was in charge of this 6th city pilgrimage.

At the same time, the St. Klemens Hofbauer Committee closed its celebration of the 100th Founding Anniversary. During the recent decades, this lay organization has made it possible to build many churches and chapels dedicated to St Clement in Austria and worldwide, as well as establishing the Klemens-Museum in Vienna-Maria am Gestade (2014). In recent years the committee has especially supported the projects of the Redemptorists in India, the Ukraine and Africa.

Almost 250 persons had accepted the invitation to this celebration of the Feast of “Our Mother of Perpetual Help”. In his sermon, Bishop Ägidius reminded us that Mary should also be seen as a “signpost”. “She stands firm on the ground and shows us the right direction, pointing to Jesus Christ, the Son of God – in all the storms of life, in all life’s heights and depths. And the Christians are also called to be such signposts in the societies where we live …”

Fr Lorenz Voith, the parish priest and superior of the Redemptorist community and Episcopal-Vicar for the religious orders in the Diocese of Eisenstadt, thanked all the participants and Bishop Ägidius that they had come and prayed together for the country, the Church and the Redemptorists. These city pilgrimages to “Our Mother of Perpetual Help” have been very well received.

After the festive mass, the candle procession and the personal blessings, the feast found a worthy continuation in the garden of the monastery with food, drink and music.

Secretary / Redemptorists Vienna-Hernals

Foto: Redemptorists/Kratochvil