Redemptorists help people near Philippines volcano


Philippines volcano: lava erupts from Mount Mayon as ash covers towns

(Legazpi, Philippine, Jan 25, 2018) – Lava is spilling from a Philippine volcano that has been sending up columns of ash over farmland and towns, coating them in grey during a nearly two-week eruption.

More than 74,000 people are staying in dozens of emergency shelters after fleeing the danger zone around Mount Mayon. Officials are worried the eruption may last months, disrupting the lives and livelihoods of people in its shadow.

Redemptorist thru its PCSMA (Permanent Commission on Social Mission Apostolate) and Redemptorist legazpi mission community (Vice-Province of Manila) responded immediately through emergency community kitchen in, in Brgy Salvacion and distribution of 6,000 pieces of  mask.

With the current situation the agricultural products is one of the big concerns of the villages, as agriculture is their main source of livelihood.

Redemptorists works also with ACCORD, a national non-profit organization implementing projects focusing on Emergency Response and Disaster Risk Reduction.

Redemptorists from the Philippines say that, “We will continue to respond to the needs of our brothers and sisters especially the least served evacuees in this time of unwanted calamity. Let us continue to pray as well for the safety of all those affected by this disaster.”

(CE/Brother Jun CSsR, photo of br. Jun)