Indonesia: The Superior General, Fr. Rogério, visits Sumba Island


Fr. Rogério Gomes, Superior General, and Fathers Paul Vinh and Ivel Mendanha, General Consultors, arrived on 2nd July 2024 to participate in the Redemptorist Youth Gathering of the Asia-Oceania Conference. They were greeted and welcomed with great joy by Fr. Kimy, Conference coordinator, Fr. Jack Umbu Warata, superior of the Indonesia Province, and members of the AYG committee.

In less than 15 minutes, the WINGS airplane landed; we were told from the airport that the plane landed before time.

The pick-up group from the novena church immediately departed. Fr. Kimy, Asia Oceania Redemptorist Conference Coordinator, and Fr. Jack Umbu Warata – Indonesian Redemptorist Provincial, along with his council and the AYG committee, rushed there.

The plane landed at a little past 12. Yes, although the wind was a bit strong, the plane landed smoothly.

The first one out of the plane was Paul Vinh. A few moments later, Fr. Ivel Mendanha and Fr. Rogerio Gomes-Superior General Redemptorist, followed. The first two men mentioned are members of the general council of the Redemptorists worldwide based in Rome.

Their arrival was joyfully welcomed by the AYG committee members. Of course, the leaders of the Indonesian Redemptorist Province were very happy.

After a short break after arrival, they enjoyed coconut water at the airport lounge. Afterwards, our three guests were received by the committee with the draping of cloths by Fr. Jack to Fr. Rogerio, Fr. Kimy to Fr. Ivel Mendanha and Fr. Simon Tenda to Fr. Paul Vinh and accompanied by a welcome dance by OMK Karuni.

From the airport, we headed to Novena Monastery. At the gate of Novena Church, the group welcomed Fr General and the council members with the traditional vestiture and welcome dance by dancers from Wee Kombaka Parish. Thank you.

After the welcome dance, Fr. General was dressed in traditional Sumbanese clothes and was led in the procession with the Gaza Kako dance to the Novena monastery.

In the courtyard of the Novena monastery, the other guests were draped in clothes by the Confreres. Fr. Gerard Louis and Fr. Pawel Drobot also received an official welcome on this occasion.

Fr. General was then asked to execute the “sacrificial” pig. He was unable and unwilling to stab it. So, he simply placed the machete on the pig’s body. “I live on our family farm but have never done this,” he commented after Br. Andre had executed it. The whole series of welcome events ended with lunch together…

Welcome to Sumba Island.
Bienvenido a la isla de Sumba.
Benvenuti sull’isola di Sumba.
Bem-vindo à Ilha de Sumba…

Fr. Willy Palla, C.SS.R.
(Source: Fr Willy’s official Facebook page)