Chantier Malele (Congo) express gratitude to the Redemptorists for a new maternity clinic


The community of Chantier Malele expresses gratitude to the Redemptorists and “Misean Cara” (Misean Cara: Misean Cara supports the development work of Irish missionaries around the world to eradicate poverty and alleviate inequality) for the support in building a new maternity clinic, that trains community health workers and facilitates Emergency C-Section kits. This mission is part of COREAM (COREAM is the Redemptorist Conference for Africa and Madagascar, established to help implement the Redemptorist charism & mission in Africa & Madagascar) and also “Red Communications” (Red Communications: Redemptorist Communications is the communication and publications ministry of the Dublin Province of the Irish Redemptorists).

See the photographs below

Fr. Gerry O’Connor is pleased to be with Rose and Gawita, Rose with her twins Simba and Nzuzi and Cawita with Simarui- both Rose and Gawita benefitted from the Emergency C-Section Kits provided by friends of Redemptorists & Misean Cara.

Site and project team at the under construction Malele Maternity Clinic in rural Kimpese DR Congo. Thank you to Redemptorists and Misean Cara, COREAM, Red Communications.

From the Twitter pafe of Gerry O’Connor