Letter from the President of the Secretariat for Evangelization


Dear Confreres,

Fraternal greetings and best wishes as many of you finalize a pastoral cycle.  May you be able to enjoy some days of well-deserved rest.  As all of you know, several months ago the General Government had named a General Secretariat for Evangelization.  The tasks of this Secretariat are founded on the proposed objectives of the General Chapter and the action plan approved by the General Government.  The Secretariat is to be a coordination instrument of the Congregation’s evangelization actions and it should facilitate the communication between the Units and the Conferences in the areas of evangelization.  The Secretariat will also generate ideas and possible common actions which contribute to the healing of the wounds of so many of our brothers and sisters.

The members of the Secretariat are Fathers Pedro López Calvo, Sebastian Ani Dato, Nicolás Ayouba, Cristian Bueno, Pawl Drobot and Anne Walsh, a lay missionary of the Most Holy Redeemer.   After numerous consultations and to help in its work, the General Government has named Commissions whose members will assist the General Secretariat of Evangelization to carry out the tasks entrusted to it.  The Commissions and its members are as follow:

  • The Commission for Shared Mission coordinated by Anne Walsh (Edmonton Toronto)
  • The Commission for Youth and Vocation Ministry coordinated by Fr. Pawel Drobot (Warsaw)
  • The Commission for Social Pastoral, Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation coordinated by Father Cristian Bueno (Bogotá)
  • The Commission for Pastoral Evangelization and new initiatives coordinated by Fr. Cristian Bueno (Bogota)
  • The Commission for Africa and Madagascar coordinated by Fr. Nicolás Ayouba (General Government).

Fr. Cristian Bueno is the Executive Secretary of this Secretariat (cssr.evangelizatio@gmail.com). With the desire to be of effective service in this extremely important area in the life of the Congregation, we place ourselves at your service in all that we can be of assistance.

With sincere affection, in Christ our Redeemer.

Rome, June 13, 2018

Fr. Pedro López, C.Ss.R.

General Consultor & The President of the Secretariat for Evangelization

The list of the members belonging to different Commissions.