The Centenary Celebration of the Redemptorists in Warsaw


(Warsaw, Poland) The local community of the Redemptorists is ready for the Jubilee celebrations of the 100th anniversary of the Redemptorists in Warsaw, which will be held on 16th and 17th of June 2018 at the parish of Saint Clement Hofbauer in Wola, ul. Karolkowa 49, Warsaw.

There will be a symposium on 100 years of Redemptorists in Wola on 16 during which four eminent speakers will be talking on different topics. The following day there will be a solemn Eucharistic Celebration that marks the centenary.

Saturday 16 June

15.00 – Symposium on “100 years of Redemptorists in Wola”

1.   “St Clement as the forerunner of the Redemptorists of Warsaw” – Fr. A. Owczarski CssR – Director of the Institute of History of the Redemptorist Congregation in Rome.

2.   “Redemptorists in the interwar period” – Fr. Marian Sojka, PhD CSsR – Radio Maryja Toruń.

3.   “Redemptorists and the drama of the Warsaw uprising” – Fr. Prof. UKSW Dr hab. Paweł Mazanka CSsR.

4.   “Karolkowa – the house of freedom and solidarity” – Maria Ochman – NSZZ “Solidarność”, consultant of the KEP group for the pastoral care of the health service.

18.30 – Solemn Mass at the beginning of the Jubilee, presided over by the Provincial, Dr Janusz Soka CSsR

20.00 – Festive concert of the Polish Royal Opera

In the program: Te Deum – W.A. Mozart, Coronation Mass in C major – W. A. Mozart, III litany Ostrobramska – S. Moniuszko

Sunday 17 June

12.30 – Solemn Mass for 100 years of the Redemptorists in Wola, presided over Fr. Kazimierz Nycza (TV broadcast, TV TRWAM)

2.00 pm – Meeting of the parish community in the monastery garden.
