Extraordinary Visitation of General Government to the Province of Indonesia


(Weetebula, Indonesia) The Extraordinary Visitation to the Redemptorist province of Indonesia was held from 16 to 20 July 2018 in Weetebula a small town at the island of Sumba. Father Sebastian the General Consultor and Father Ben Ma the Coordinator of Asia-Oceania Conference came to Indonesia for the Visitation. The Indonesian Redemptorists were very excited about the visit. There were 64 priests, 3 brothers and 4 seminarians for the meeting. Father Yoakim, Superior of Indonesian Province expressed his joy and gratefulness for this visitation and invited all the confreres to get involved seriously in the whole process of visitation.

During the opening sessions of the visitation, the visitors, Fr. Sebastian and Fr. Ben Ma, explained the reasons why we held this Extraordinary Visitation in the whole Congregation and how important is the extraordinary visitation to promote awareness among the confreres about the spirit and the decisions of the XXV General Chapter  and in helping us to discern together to find ways  to continue the process of restructuring in the whole Congregation and in each unit, as also to continue the process of restructuring in the Province of Indonesia.

The confreres expressed their joy and gratitude for this graceful moment for the Indonesian province. It was really a great blessing for the Province and all the members. All participated actively and seriously in the process of reflection, discernment, sharing and discussions.

In the end, the Assembly of the Extraordinary Visitation came up with some major challenges as well as proposals for the Conference and the unit. The assembly highlighted some major points to help us to move forward in the process of determining the apostolic plan and the plan of restructuring for the unit and the Conference.

We hope and pray that the Province of Indonesia continues to be blessed with vocation, making good progress in its mission and continue to promote the spirit of solidarity among confreres to share its resources for the good of the mission of the Congregation.