The feast of Nithya Sahaya Matha (Mother of Perpetual Help) In Tenali, India


(Tenali, India) Usually, we the Redemptorists in Tenali celebrate the feast of Nithya Sahaya Matha (Mother of Perpetual Help)  on the 2nd of February every year for the convenience of our parishioners who are mostly poor agricultural labourers.

However this year we also celebrated the feast on the actual day itself. Fr. David celebrated the Holy Eucharist and broke the Word of God for us! Fr Vijayanand, the Parish priest also joined the celebration. About 300 people young and old were present for the event which was celebrated at 6.30 am.

It was amazingly spiritual and many people were touched by the decorations especially the Shrine of Mother of Perpetual Help was adorned with beautiful flowers. After the Holy Mass, one of our parishioners arranged a sumptuous breakfast for all. It was both a spiritual celebration and a celebration of oneness among the people of God.

Fr David Raju Maddineni, C.Ss.R