Celebrations in the Eastern Region of Burkina Faso


(Burkina Faso, West Africa) The Redemptorists join in the celebration on 7th September 2018 in Fada N’Gourma, Eastern Region, Burkina Faso when eight young men enter the Novitiate. There are three students from Vice-Province of Angola (Alfredo Antonio da Silva Afonso ; Venancio Venceslau Tchitunda and Eugenio Sakatuala Tchitonga) and five from Vice-Province of West Africa (MAGNISETING Walter; SAWADOGO Basile; SAWADOGO Jean de Dieu; PASSOULE Jérôme and KIEMA Pierre).

Fr. Noël SOTTIMA, Vice-Provincial of West Africa presided over the Holy Mass. May they seek Christ the Redeemer in their discernment and follow the footsteps of our Father St. Alphonsus. On the same day, the 17 professed students renewed their commitment to continue their formation in the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer. May they discern the call of God clearly and follow the Redeemer in their commitments.

We too give thanks to the Lord on this day the 8th September 2018 where we celebrated the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, the Mother of our Savior. The ceremony took place in Fada N’Gourma in the Chapel of the Redemptorist Novitiate, Saint Alphonsus House. We also thank him for the 25 years of the religious life of Fathers Nicolas AYOUBA and Calixte LAWSON  who could not be present for health reasons.

We also thank God for blessing the Vice-Province of West Africa with seven young men who committed themselves to continue the mission of Christ the Redeemer. They are ALLAGBE Jésuyon Emmanuel; EGBIDI Mèhèza Edmond; KLIKA Florentin Mahoudrjo; OUOBA Tadé; KOUAKOU Kouassi Esaïe; OUEDRAGO Valère Jean François Régis; POUISSI Hodabalo Casimir.