CCC Training Program at Holy Redeemer Parish


(Bengaluru, India) A year ago, the parish clergy, Rev. Fr. Louis Christopher C.Ss.R, the parish priest, Rev. Fr. Peter. B C.Ss.R, the then Co-pastor, Fr. Sandeep Menezes  and a small core team of the Holy Redeemer Parish envisioned a year-long program on the Catechism of the Catholic Church.  Many signed up and the program started off after Easter 2018.  Sessions were organized twice a month, after the morning mass for an hour, along with refreshments. Throughout the journey, the sessions were well planned and organized with knowledgeable speakers from all over the country. The speakers gave the participants great insights into the 24 topics that incorporated the program design.

The sessions were enhanced with supplemental activities and videos that helped the participants delve into their learning in a deeper way. Attendance at these sessions was almost always high and the course ended on March 31st, 2019 on a high note with 50 participants graduating. The ceremony included participation in the Eucharist and participants sharing their personal transformation experience. They took a pledge to continue to deepen their knowledge of the Catechism and apply the teachings in their lives as well as make use of opportunities for catechesis and evangelization in their surroundings.

The program was planned by the Redemptorist fathers during the year of faith formation for youth and Laity in the Archdiocese of Bengaluru. The participants who have completed this course will now be actively involved in the faith formation programs for the children, animating the parish youth, animating the liturgy in the parish and conducting the similar programs on request basis in the other parishes of the Archdiocese. We congratulate the parish clergy and parishioners of the Holy Redeemer church, Bengaluru on this meaningful initiative in our Archdiocese.

Fr. Peter Balaswamy, CSsR.