Formation of the local superiors of the Province Bratislava-Praha and Vice-Province of Michalovce in Slovakia


(Kostolná Záriečie, Slovakia) The first ever joint training programme for new and old local superiors of two units in Slovakia took place on May 27 and 28, 2019 in Kostolná Záriečie. The meeting was led by provincial Václav Hypius and vice-provincial Metod Marcel Lukačik.

The meeting was attended by 15 confreres from Slovakia, Czech Republic and from the Trans Carpathian region in Ukraine. The topics covered in this meeting were: the service of the authority of the superior according to canon law, our Constitutions and the Statutes; the documents of the magisterium of the church and the pastoral guidance of the superiors and the directory of the superiors of the CSsR.

The provincial superior Fr. Václav Hypius presented the Communicanda No.2 which concerns the service of leadership according to the model of Jesus Christ, a document that had already been translated into the Slovak language. There were other issues such as community life and community project, house and province economy, and the presentation of our Unit documents:  The directive on the prevention and treatment of cases of sexual abuse of children and vulnerable adults in the Province Bratislava-Praha and Vice-Province Michalovce.

We have explained how to prevent these situations and how to solve them according to the current Church regulations. In the end, we spent some time dealing with the practical issues of guiding our communities and the process of restructuring in what concerns our region in the Slovakia units. We assessed the meeting as very useful and valid, according to the Constitution 103 “Superiors must examine each other from time to time about the exact concept they have of their office and about the proper way to do it.”

Father Metod Marcel Lukačik CSsR