(Cochabamba, Bolivia) The Governments of the Province of Bolivia and two Vice-Provinces of North and of South Peru and the vocals of those units met at the Perpetual Socorro Seminary, Cochabamba, from October 15 to 17, 2019, to make the first steps in the process of restructuring and reconfiguration toward a new Unit, that in this way to be “Witnesses of the Redeemer, solidarity for the mission in a wounded world” in this part of Latin America and the Caribbean.
During these days we have reflected on the reality and resources of each contemporary Unit: houses, personnel, parishes, missionary teams … etc. We discussed the situation of formation in all its levels (permanent, initial, novitiate, theologian, 2nd novitiate). There were also present issues regarding the economy, missions, pastoral priorities, pastoral plan, and others. As of today, we have a total of ca. 100 confreres in three units of the average age between 50 – 55 years. There are 3 bishops (2 emeritus and one ministering), 34 students (in all initial training), 24 communities, of which 22 are parishes, 2 regular mission teams, 1 team for the itinerant missions. As a new unit, we present ourselves young and with a lot of potential for the mission.
On Tuesday 15 we visited the Faculty of Theology “St. Paul” (Congregation for Catholic Education), where our students are studying (philosophy and theology). Fr. Jozef Smyksy, CSsR, along with other executives, explained to us briefly how the faculty was functioning in administrative and academic aspects.
As it is characteristic for the Redemptorists, we have felt like in a family, at home, living with the students, taking part in the community life, sharing prayer, our fears, doubts, joys, joys and hopes in the new Peru-Bolivia Unit.
Among joys, concerns, and hopes, we are going forward in this process. At this first meeting, we have formed the Restructuring commission composed of the vocals and one member of the Vice-Provincial government of each Unit. We have reached agreements on the formation issue and on the work to be done in the fields as follows: itinerant mission, economy, community life, apostolic plan… etc.
We thank Fr. Boris Calzadilla Provincial Superior and the Perpetual Socorro Community and Studentate and all the Redemptorists of Bolivia, for their hospitality and generosity during our stay there. We look with joy and hope as we enter this path of reconfiguration.
With Jesus, Mary, Joseph, Alphonso and all the saints, blessed and martyrs of the Congregation.
Fr. Grimaldo Garay Zapata CSsR