In Bolivia, in recent days there have been violent demonstrations and clashes between loyalists to President Evo Morales and those who reject the results of the October 20 elections in which Morales’s reconfirmation for the fourth term was announced.
Message to the People of God in Bolivia
Fr. Boris Calzadilla, C.Ss.R, Provincial Superior on behalf of the Redemptorist Missionaries of Bolivia, sends a message of peace to the entire Bolivian people. «We want to echo the whole situation and the social, political and economic conflict that our country is experiencing, and we join all the men and women of good will who pray for peace. Praying for peace is first to unite our hearts to God of Peace, second to pray for peace, is to pray for justice, is to pray for freedom, is to pray for respect for the life and dignity of every human being, because true peace is the fruit of justice, virtue moral and legal guarantee that watches over all rights and duties of all citizens.

Therefore there is no peace without justice, there is no justice without truth, there is no truth without love, there is no love without mercy, without forgiveness, therefore brothers and sisters make our just claims of our people who defend their vote, which defends his right to democracy, freedom, life, institutionality, but let’s do it without violence. We also call on all the authorities, all those responsible, all leaders to stop organizing marches against marches and clash groups and everything that can generate chaos and everything that causes death in our streets, in our paths .
Therefore, brothers and sisters, may our prayer for peace be a commitment to the peace that will be stable, as our Cardinal Terrazas said: “We do not want the peace of the cemeteries, we want peace where the life and dignity of every human being be fully realized ”»
Fr. Boris Calzadilla Arteaga C.Ss.R.
Provincial Superior