“For World” – follow this week entry


Explore, understand, accept and live! Enter the world of redemptorist’s spirituality! Every Tuesday of 2020 is waiting for you something to watch, listen or read (depending on what you prefer) presented in 4 chapters: SPIRIT, WITNESS, DISCIPLE and ROOTS.

This initiative is for everybody – so it’s also for you!

To keep up to date:

Like our fanpage on fb: facebook.com/ForWorldcssr

Subscribe YT: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4kXfSYLPStTBxiy0mdu1Cw/

Check the website: www.forworld.redemptor.pl

FOR WOLD is the spirituality project prepared and offered by the Redemptorist Students of the Major Seminary in Tuchow, Poland. They invited a number of Redemptorist missionaries and also lay, collaborators, to present to you our spirit, life and ministry.


+48 533 493 970,
Wysoka 1, 33-170 Tuchów, Poland

Dominik Strychacz CSsR