Laudato Si’ Special Anniversary Year (24 May 2020 to 24 May 2021)


The Encyclical letter Laudato Si has been a reference document not only for the Church and Christians in general, but also for governments, international organizations, including the United Nations, and environmental movements throughout the world. Gradually, Redemptorists also have been incorporating their teachings and values into our spirituality and ministry. During the week of May 16th to the 24th, despite the restrictions imposed by the pandemic, many local Redemptorist communities around the world joined in the celebration of the fifth anniversary of this Encyclical, with various initiatives for reflection and action to promote awareness and care of our Common House. We highlight and appreciate the efforts of so many confreres who devoted time to developing audio-visual materials, preparing celebrations, promoting campaigns, etc. We are happy to see how our Redemptorist charism is also showing its ecological face.

Pope Francis, in his address, after praying the Regina Coeli, on the 7th Sunday of Easter, announced that beginning on May 24th, 2020, and continuing to May 24th, 2021, will be a special year of reflection on the message of Laudato Si. Within the framework of this special year, the Dicastery for Integral Human Development is proposing a series of events and celebrations, among which are: the Time of Creation, from September 1st to October 4th, “Rebuilding the Global Educational Pact” (October 15th) and “The Economy of Francis” (November 21st, a new date). For more activities and details, see the attached brochure.

The Time of Creation is a relevant event because of its proximity to the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation, which begins on September 1st and ends on October 4th, the feast of St. Francis of Assisi. On the website, it is possible to download liturgical animation materials in various languages and can serve as a basis and inspiration for one’s liturgical initiatives.

Pope Francis states that “interdependence obliges us to think of one world with a common plan.” (LS 164). For us Redemptorists, this represents an opportunity to respond to the challenges of the wounded world and to preach the Gospel in a renewed way.

Secretariat for Evangelization

LAUDATO SI’ Special Anniversary Year Plans