Celebrating the Redeemer


Christ is the source of our salvation, which is realized through the mystery of Redemption. Today this mystery is celebrated to find its inner meaning and center, which is the Spirit of Hope. The source of this Hope is the love of the Father who gives the Son, and the love of the Son, who gives Himself for us.

Through the Crib – the birth of Our Lord Jesus – the fundamental truth of creation is once again revealed. The Book of Genesis gives witness to this truth when it repeats several times: “God saw that it was good.” This goodness has its source in Wisdom and in Love. The link to this Divine source was broken because of sin through the first man, Adam. Jesus Christ has restored and continues to reveal the “image of the invisible God” (Col 1:15). Our mission reminds us that we too want to reach out and bring Jesus to others – right where they live.

As Jesus, the Son of God born of the Virgin Mary, transformed all that was human within Him and others, He calls each of us to turn from our habits of sin and change into the true gift of our creation. Jesus, from the Cross, reminds us that Hope shines brightest when we seek and offer forgiveness. Let us embrace the hope that Jesus brought into the world through recognizing our failings, seeking forgiveness through wise counsel, and the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Redeemer of the World, becomes the Eucharist, giving us His very self, so that we too may be restored as the children of our Loving Father, Abba God. Through this mystery of Redemption, may Jesus enter our hearts through the gift of His flesh in Bread and Wine, transforming our will to His Father’s. May Our Redeemer provide us with Wisdom to be Ambassadors of Reconciliation to those “waiting” to be healed but don’t know the way.

Are we ready to engage our Cross and bring hope to a hopeless world?

Are we chosen to be sent? Are we willing to go?

John Phelps, C.Ss.R.

(denverlink UPDATE 07.17.20)