100 years of Redemptorists in Slovakia


In 2021, Redemptorists in Slovakia celebrate a century since they came to the country. On this occasion, many events have been prepared in individual religious houses. The first will be the opening ceremony of the jubilee year in Stropkov from March 21-23. The jubilee program includes a scientific conference on 100 years of Redemptorist presence in Slovakia, to be held in September. Since the beginning of this year, graphics with quotations from the works of St. Alphonsus de Liguori, founder of the Redemptorist Congregation, have been published in social media (Facebook, Instagram). We will keep you informed about the next events of the Jubilee celebration.

The first Redemptorist community in Slovakia was founded in the fall of 1921 in Stropkov. It was formed by Redemptorists of both Greek Catholic and Roman Catholic rites. One of them was Bl. Methodius Dominic Trčka. Gradually this first Redemptorist monastery became a spiritual centre for the region of Upper Zemplín in Slovakia. Today there are two Congregation units in Slovakia: the Province of Bratislava-Prague (Roman Catholic rite) and the Vice-Province of Michalovce (Greek Catholic rite). The Redemptorists are known primarily for their parish missions, retreats, pastoral work in parishes, and their apostolate through communication media.

Fr. Miroslav Bujdoš, C.Ss.R.