Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2021


The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity is celebrated from 18 to 25 January. Many congregations, dioceses and Christian communities around the world hold celebrations, exchanges of experience and ecumenical worship in obedience to Christ who prays for the unity of his disciples “that the world may believe. Unity is more a divine gift than the consequence of human effort, and for this reason, Christians throughout the world are called to express in prayer that communion to which we are all called to live in unity. The response that the world is making to face the adverse effects of the pandemic can offer us a sign of communion that allows us to appreciate our interconnectedness and, in turn, leads us to seek ways of unity and communion, in this case, among Christians throughout the world.

The official date of the week of prayer for Christians is in January, around the day of the conversion of St. Paul. Still, in the southern hemisphere, this time coincides with the holiday season, and so many churches seek other dates for their celebration, around Pentecost, for example. In light of this flexibility, communities of the Redemptorist Family are invited to use the enclosed material throughout the year. With the rise of the use of virtual media, many will find the opportunity to join in the spirit of this week by preaching or creating content that reflects communion in the prayer of Christ the Redeemer.

The support material for this year is entitled “Abide in my love, and you will bear fruit in abundance” (John 15:5-9) and offers a varied and flexible scheme of possibilities. It is an aid prepared by the Ecumenical Council of the Churches and the Pontifical Council for Christian Unity and can support any initiative at the local level.

General Secretariat for Evangelization
Commission for Social Ministry, Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation (SM-JPIC)