As a seed that sprouts and bears fruit!


Testimony of Sister Teresa Ruggiero, who on 31 May professed her religious vows in the Order of the Most Holy Redeemer at the Monastery of Scala, Italy.

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ

I share with you the joy of this special moment I am living. The creativity of the Spirit and the merciful love of the Father have led me, in unexpected ways, to say my YES to the Lord in the religious life with the temporary profession in the Order of the Most Holy Redeemer at the Monastery of Scala.

This beautiful fruit came to maturity on 31 May 2021. But do you know where it came from? From a simple and small seed, the seed of Love, which the Lord “planted” in my heart. At a certain point, this seed split to give itself to the light. It began to make room in the earth to peep out and extend towards Heaven. Its stem slowly left the ground and opened into small buds which, when they blossomed, bore fruit. This, however, is not an end in itself but carries within itself other seeds of Love ready to generate new life. This image of the seed represents the journey I have made from the time of questions to discernment, from my entry into the monastery to the novitiate up to today. Love has made my life fruitful and, as it has grown, it has borne fruit, becoming a gift, a gift of Love for the Church and every brother and sister in the world.

In these years I have rediscovered the beauty of waiting, because everything has its time to mature!

The joy I felt on the day of my profession (and which is still alive in me!!!) went well with the readings of the celebration, where first the prophet Zephaniah and then the Virgin Mary invited us to rejoice, to exult, and to acclaim the Lord with all our hearts. During the reading of the profession formula, I felt a strong sense of responsibility for my choice and the certainty that the grace of the Lord is supporting my journey.

The Lord, your God, … will rejoice over you, he will renew you with his love … these words of the prophet echo in my heart like a promise from the Lord for you and me, remembering that God rejoices for each of his sons and daughters and renews all with his Father’s love.

I embrace you in Christ, our Redeemer.

Sister Teresa Ruggiero