For the sake of Plentiful Redemption


The 15th of August is an important day for the Redemptorists of the Province of Warsaw, Poland. Most of them celebrate their vows anniversary on that special day. Also, there were new candidates this year to express their dedication to the Most Holy Redeemer, as they were taking their religious vows.

In the chapel of the Major Seminary in Tuchow, during morning prayer, 16 Redemptorist students and 2 junior brothers renewed their temporary vows.

Then, in the several miles distant Lubaszowa, three novices made their first profession in the Chapel of the Assumption of the BMV Mary. 

A few hours later, at the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Tuchów, at the solemn Eucharist presided over by Fr. Janusz Sok C.Ss.R., provincial superior, seven confreres who have concluded the 5th study year, made their perpetual profession. They courageously responded to God’s call by taking the perpetual vows of chastity, poverty, and obedience, as well as the vow and oath of perseverance in the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer until death.

“Before we got into this decisive moment in our life – explained Karol Łukaszczyk C.Ss.R. – we went through a one-month long period of spiritual preparation. Its last week was a retreat that we did at Redemptorist Sisters convent in Vranov, Slovakia. Its magnificent Greek-catholic chapel and beautiful mountain landscape offered us a welcoming space to tune our hearts to meditation and peacefully prepare ourselves for final vows.”

The retreat directors for the candidates for the final profession were fathers Andrzej Wodka C.Ss.R. and Piotr Chyła C.Ss.R., who live and work in our general house in Rome. They invited our students to meditate on the formula of our religious profession and reflect on the story of the prophet Jonah. The retreat participants admitted that they received many insights for personal reflection and the opportunity to meet the Lord to whom they decided to devote themselves for life. 

As they joyfully celebrated their day of the profession, the newly and finally professed confreres and all redemptorist students of Major Seminary in Tuchow asked to keep them in prayers as they continue their religious vocation following Jesus Christ, with whom is plentiful redemption.

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