Phase I of the 26th General Chapter convoked


(Rome) On September 21, Fr. Michael Brehl C.Ss.R., Superior General, signed the decree, convoking the Phase I of the 26th General Chapter. The meetings of this phase will take place in 2022 in all five Conferences of the Redemptorist Congregation worldwide, as scheduled: 

  • Africa-Madagascar – 10-25 January 2022, in Nairobi, Kenya.
  • Europe – 21 March – 1 April 2022. The location is yet to be decided. 
  • Latin America – Caribbean – 24 April -05 May 2022, in Sao Paulo, Brazil. 
  • North America – 09 – 21 May 2022, in West End, NJ (USA). 
  • Asia-Oceania – 30 May – 08 June 2022, in Bali, Indonesia. 

Attendance at the Phase I meeting is obligatory for all members of the Canonical Phase (Phase II) of the Chapter that is to take place in Rome in autumn 2022. All members of the Canonical Phase II have the right to vote on all matters submitted for consideration at the Phase I Chapter meeting. In addition, the following are also members of the Phase I meeting with voting rights:

  • Superiors of missions. 
  • Provinces, Vice Provinces and Regions with more than twenty members which do not already have a vocal for the Canonical Phase have the right to a vocal at Phase I.

The Superior General takes part in all the meetings. The Conference Coordinator will be a full member of his own Conference meeting. General consultors shall take part in at least one Phase I meeting. Other members of General Curia shall take part in one meeting as determined by the General Government. The Brothers elected by the General Council shall participate in the meeting at which their Unit is represented. Other persons present at the meetings of the Phase I are moderators of the General Chapter, lay partners, experts, and other persons designated by the General Council and/or Conference Statutes.