Ratio Formationis Generalis 2020 published


The General Secretariat of Formation has published in book form the Ratio Formationis Generalis 2020 as Volume VI of the series on Redemptorist Formation and in the official three languages of the Congregation: English, Spanish and Italian. 

This Ratio presents the general principles and guidelines for formation. It will be an essential resource as we look to the future of formation in the Congregation and respond to our General Chapters’ decisions regarding the  Restructuring and Reconfiguring of our formation structures and values.

The different linguistic digital versions of the this updated Ratio are available on the Formation website: www.cssr.news/formation    For some Units and Conferences it may be more convenient to print this and other volumes of the series on Redemptorist Formation in their own countries.

If Superiors and formators are interested in the printed version, please do not hesitate to write to the General Secretariat of Formation at  kaelcssr@gmail.com or mannycssr@hotmail.com indicating the needed quantity and languages.