25th Profession of Vows of Confreres and Christmas Party in the Vice Province of Nigeria

Some of the celebrants in joyful mood.

Saturday 11th, December 2021 was celebrated in a remarkable way, as ten confreres of our Vice Province marked 25 years of their commitment of vows in the Vice Province.

Be that as it may, three of these confreres marked their 25th anniversaries of Profession of Vows last year, but because of the Covid-19 pandemic, were not celebrated last year. Hence, two profession classes were celebrated together. Here we have:

Fr. Jude Chukwuma Ibe C.Ss.R

Fr. Conleth Anayo Nna C.Ss.R

Fr. Francis Kemakolam Okorafor C.Ss.R

The confreres that marked their 25th this year proper were:

Fr. Anthony Ikechukwu Orjih C.Ss.R

Fr. Daniel Chukwudi Nwankwo C.Ss.R

Bro. Simeon Okere Okafor C.Ss.R

Fr. Anthony Paul Thompson C.Ss.R

Fr. Donatus Ekwugha Chukwu C.Ss.R

Fr. Jude Nkem Anyaegbu C.Ss.R

Fr. ThanksGod Levi Ihejirika C.Ss.R

Fr. Donatus Chukwu joined later, while some were unable to be present because of their pastoral commitment both outside and within the Vice Province.

The Redemptorist Spirituality Centre was the venue of this occasion as priests, Religious and the lay faithful attended the occasion in thanksgiving for God’s graciousness for our confreres.

After the Holy Mass which began at 10:00 am, presided by the Vice Provincial Superior Fr. Joterio Aghoja C.Ss.R, these confreres were celebrated with good meals and different presentations.

The Vice Province also in addition celebrated Christmas party for the confreres and all who were present. Thanking God for the gift of His Son Jesus Christ, whom we joyfully await at Christmas.

Picture speaks volumes:

Fr. Godwin Abbah, C.Ss.R.