Let’s meet in Torun: “Go and Share”


In only six months, the next edition of the European Redemptorist Youth and Vocational Ministries Meeting starts. This time it takes place in Poland from 27th to 31st July 2022 at St. Joseph church in Toruń, Poland, in the parish where the Redemptorists minister. The motto of the event is: “Go&Share”.

– We would like to invite you to follow our official website: www.goandshare.eu 
and our Facebook and Instagram pages – the meeting organisers write in their letter addressed to the confreres and leaders of the youth pastoral groups. – Please, help us to reach out to everyone interested in sharing this experience – they encourage confreres and young people to spread the news through social media.

On the path of preparing for the meeting, there are helpful resources on the internet sites mentioned above: a new catechesis will be published every month; soon will be available also the official “Go&Share” song and a registration form for the meeting in July.

(Scala News)