February 9: A remarkable day for Alphonsian Academy


Three years ago the Alphonsian Academy celebrated its 70th anniversary of Foundation Day. For the past 73 years, the Academy has devoted itself to the research and teaching of Moral Theology, in the spirit of our founder and father, St. Alphonsus Maria Liguori, Moral Theologian and Pastor, Doctor of the Church and Patron of Confessors and Moralists.

Celebrating 70 years of research and teaching in Moral Theology was also a celebration of the Redemptorist professors and others who have given their lives to this mission. On this day, we give thanks to all the professors, collaborators, Redemptorists, and benefactors who have continued to contribute over 70 years to the mission of the Academy.

A documentary video on the Alphonsian Academy (in Italian language)

The audience of Pope Francis to the teachers and students of the Alphonsian Academy was a memorable one. At 11.30 am on Saturday 9 February 2019, in the Sala Clementina of the Vatican Apostolic Palace, the Holy Father Francis received at the Audience the teachers and students of the Alphonsian Academy-Higher Institute of Theology. On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of its foundation. Pope Francis in his address said, “In these seventy years the Alphonsian Academy has been committed, as your Statutes recall, to the study of moral theology sub-Lumine Mysterii Christi, seeking to respond to the evolution of society and cultures, constantly respecting the Magisterium (cf. no. 1). And it has done so by drawing inspiration from its heavenly patron, Saint Alphonsus Maria de’ Liguori. (Full text of Pope Francis)

May the wisdom and commitment of St. Alphonsus inspire us to continue his vision of study, research, teaching, and writing on moral theology so that all who are called to redemption and holiness may find the inspiration and hope they need in order to do God’s will in all things.
