“Interreligious dialogue is essential for the Mission”, Nicolas Ayouba CSsR


(Spain, Valencia) “Interreligious dialogue is essential for the mission.” This was stated by the General Consultor for Africa, Nicolas Ayouba, CSsR, who visited the community of Redemptorist Missionaries of Nazareth, in Valencia, after the priestly ordination of four Redemptorist missionaries from the Province of Madrid, which took place on April 23.

In Valencia, as explained by Álvaro Ortiz, CSsR (one of the ordained) at the Redemptorist Communication Center, took the opportunity to “give witness to his life, mission and vocation.” In the morning he went to the parish school of Nuestra Señora de los Desamparados to meet the students and explained to them that “the vocation is based on a call from God that one chooses to follow freely.”

In the afternoon, after the celebration of the Eucharist, he shared his mission experience in Niger (Africa) for more than 14 years. It is there that he learned that interreligious dialogue is essential for the mission, as Pope Francis has already said, especially in countries where Christianity is a minority.
