Solemnity of the Most Holy Redeemer and enrollment of Redemptorists lay collaborators in Rome


In addition to celebrating the Solemnity of the Most Holy Redeemer on Sunday, July 17th, 2022, the day was significant for the Church of Saint Alphonsus Maria De Liguori in Rome, the Shrine of our Mother of Perpetual Help, the place of the original icon. Nine members of the Hispanic community of the Shrine celebrated their enrollment and were received as Redemptorist lay Missionary collaborators by the Shrine’s Rector, Fr. Gianni Congiù.

Since this was the Sanctuary’s first Partners in Mission (PIM) circle established and therefore the circle’s first enrollments, the celebration of the titular feast in Rome of the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer was both historical and especially exciting this year.

The ministry of the Shrine of Our Mother of Perpetual Help is intercultural as it serves persons from a large selection of countries in their respective languages: Italian, English, Polish, and Spanish.

The promotion and formation of our Partners in Mission were the joint efforts and collaboration of two of the Congregation’s Secretariats (Evangelization and Formation) with the Shrine’s Rector.

May Our Mother of Perpetual Help lead this new group in a special way closer to the One she holds. All Partners in Mission around the Redemptorist world pray that we may continue to strive to be “one missionary body” and a “living memory” of the Redeemer as we announce the Good News to the poor abandoned!

Fr. Cristian Bueno, C.Ss.R.