30 years opening doors: Oblate Project in Buenos Aires


The Puerta Abierta Recreando project in the City of Buenos Aires, Argentina, celebrates its 30th anniversary by opening doors so that women in a situation of prostitution can spread their wings and achieve their dreams.

The celebration took place on September 16, giving thanks to God with a mass celebrated by Bishop Baliña, Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Buenos Aires, in the Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish in the Constitución neighborhood, where the Day Center is located. .

On September 18, 1992, the Open Door (Puerta abierta) Project was inaugurated. To this day, the words of Jesus that prayed on that founding day continue to resonate: “I am the door. Whoever enters through me will be saved; he will be able to go in and out, and he will find his food.” During these 30 years that have passed, sister and lay people, have given their lives to the Oblate mission so that this “Door” may always be an Open Door towards life in abundance that Jesus offers us.

To remember is to feel the heart again and to be grateful is a necessity in the face of so much life shared for 30 years. Thanks to the women, sisters and laity who were and are part of this history.
