Fr. Michael Brehl: join us at the opening celebration of the 26th General Chapter


In Solidarity for Mission in a Wounded World

Dear Confreres, Sisters, Lay Partners and friends,

Once again, I send you warm greetings from Rome! These are very busy days here in the General Curia as we welcome delegates to the Canonical Phase of the 26th General Chapter and prepare to begin on Sunday evening, September 11th

The Preparatory Commission, including the moderators and the support staff, are hard at work completing the preparations with Il Carmelo to welcome the 91 voting delegates, along with the lay participants and the support staff – including interpreters, notaries, secretariat, canonical advisor, communications and other experts. I know that all of you will continue to pray that the Holy Spirit guide our encounters, our dialogue, our discernment and the directions that the Canonical Phase will propose to the whole Congregation.

September 11th is the memorial of Blessed Maria Celeste Crostarosa, the founder of the Redemptoristines. May she intercede for us in heaven, as I know that all the monasteries of the Order are praying for us on earth! Congratulations to all our Sisters on this feast day. We know that you are in communion with us!

On Monday, September 12th, we will celebrate the Inaugural Mass of the Holy Spirit. I invite you to participate through online streaming, as directed by the Office of Communications on the General Chapter website. We hope that this will go well! I know that you will be patient too. 

May God bless us all as we begin this Canonical Phase! Accompanied by the Holy Spirit, Our Mother of Perpetual Help and all our saints, we go forward in faith and hope.

In Christ our Redeemer,

Michael Brehl, C.Ss.R.
Superior General

Roma, September 8th, 2022