Annual meeting of the Brothers of the Province of Bogotá


Brothers of the Province of Bogotá held their annual meeting from October 10 to 13 in the retreat house “Villa Marianella”. It ran in a joyful and fraternal spirit, with the theme: “Redemptorist Religious Consecration and Restructuring”. Participants were reflecting on what it means to live Redemptorist religious consecration. In their reflection, they found support in documents of the Magisterium of the Church and the second phase of the 26th General Chapter. Thus, meetings participants were among the first in the Province of Bogotá that had read in depth the messages of the newly elected Superior General, Fr Rogério Gomes, and Pope Francis.

The challenges surfaced in the discussion: Redemptorist Identity, Mission, Consecrated Life, Formation and Leadership. Along with the challenges enlisted by Fr. Luis Carlos Jaime in his first “Comunicanda” as Provincial Superior, they motivated participants to pursue a deeper reflection. In that way, they could evaluate their consecration to God in the Church and the Redemptorist Congregation and confront it with the Alphonsian Charism and the example of St. Gerard Maiella.

Fr. Edward Julián Chacón Díaz, C.Ss.R.