About 40 Redemptorist Missionaries gathered at the Seminario da Floresta Event House in Juiz de Fora (MG) for the Chapter Assembly of the Rio Province. The meetings took place from November 21-24, inspired by the theme of the next sexennium in the Congregation: “Missionaries of Hope, continuing in the footsteps of the Redeemer”.
The first day was dedicated to the arrival and welcome of the confreres. On Tuesday (22), the opening Eucharistic Celebration was presided over by the Superior of the Province of Rio, Fr. Nelson Antonio Linhares, C.Ss.R., and concelebrated by the Provincial Consultors. In the opening sharing, each community superior presented his community and shared about two relevant events of the four years. At the end of the morning, Fr. Nelson spoke about the 26th General Chapter and gave the final message of the event.
Fr. José Cláudio Teixeira, C.Ss.R., presented projects for missionary action in 2023. Fr. Robson Araujo, C.Ss.R., suggested actions in the Rio Province for the experience of the 3rd Vocation Year in Brazil. Fr. Carlos Viol, C.Ss.R., made some recommendations of the Secretariat of Economy, with the participation of the lawyer Dr Hugo and the auditor Jacob. In the evening, the Province’s Formation Team met to evaluate the journey of 2022 and to plan for next year.
On Wednesday (23rd), in line with discussions generated at the 26th General Chapter, Redemptorist Missionaries reflected on four topics, where they were encouraged to reimagine Redemptorist identity, mission, religious life and leadership. Fr. Nelson handed over to the local superiors the pictures of the Superior General, Fr. Rogério Gomes, C.Ss.R., to take back to their respective communities. In the evening, there was a celebration to honour the jubilarians of 2022: Fr. José Luciano Jacques Penido, C.Ss.R., Fr. Braz Delfino Vieira, C.Ss.R., Bro, Américo de Oliveira, C.Ss.R. and Father Carlos Viol, C.Ss.R. Father Carrara presided over the Mass, while Frs Américo and Viol concelebrated. Afterwards, a festive dinner crowned the celebrations.

On the last day of the meeting (24th), the Redemptorist Missionaries planned for 2023, scheduling dates of meetings, encounters, retreats and reconfiguration activities for the coming year. A Eucharistic Celebration closed the Chapter Assembly, with the Provincial Superior presiding over and the formators and the vocation promoter concelebrating.
Brenda Melo
Journalist of MG-RJ-ES Province