Meeting of the General Secretariat for Finance in Rome


From November 16 to 18 this year, members of the General Secretariat for Finance met in Rome. The members of this Secretariat are Vicente Soria Fleitas (General Bursar-Paraguay) Steve Neel Wilson (Deputy General Bursar-Denver), Jeffrey Rolle (Baltimore) Johannes Römelt (San Clemente) Gerry O’Connor (Dublin) Joseph Apisit Kritsaralam (Thailand) Javier Poveda González (Layman of the Madrid Province) and Kevin Zubel (Denver).

The Superior General, Father Rogério Gomes, C.Ss.R.   was in the first part of the meeting and shared some ideas with the members of the Secretariat, and thanked everyone for their service to the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer, emphasizing some aspects to continue working, such as the insistence on teamwork. The world situation we are living is complex and challenging, which requires courage, prudence, and wisdom to move forward; the need to work on the aspect of solidarity; the task of consolidating transparency according to the directives of the Magisterium of the Church, the provisions of civil laws and that of the Congregation itself.

Topics discussed at this Secretariat meeting, among others, are, the General Government’s budget for the year 2023, the solidarity fund, the contribution of the Units, and the organization of administration and finance workshops at the level of the Conferences of the Congregation.

Fr. Vicente Soria Fleitas, CSsR.

General Bursar