Beginning of Novitiates in the Latin American and Caribbean Conference

Bellavista in Argentina.

As the month of January begins the novitiate of the Conference of Latin America and the Caribbean initiated in the three places assigned for this important stage of formation. Marcelo Araújo, Coordinator of the Conference, was present with the formation team of this house. In the Novitiate Santa Terezinha de Tieté in Sao Paulo, Fr. Luis Carlos Jaime, Provincial of Bogota, and the formation team were present and in the Novitiate San Alfonso de Bellavista in Argentina, Fr. Marcelo Pomar, Provincial of Buenos Aires, together with the formation team was present. Thus formally beginning the canonical stage of identification and consolidation of religious life in the Congregation.

Likewise, the second novitiate began in the Crostarosa retreat house in Manaus, Brazil, in preparation for the Perpetual Vows, with the presence of 29 Redemptorists from all the units of the conference, who as men of hope in the footsteps of the Redeemer want to give a generous and definitive yes to the Lord in the Congregation. Father Roque Silva, Vice Provincial of Bahia, and a large group of Redemptorists from the various units that are part of the conference of Latin America and the Caribbean were present. We pray for them and for the formators.

Fr. Jairo Diaz Rodriguez. CSsR.