Redemptorist Vocational Internship 2023


(Rio, Brazil) A vocation is a call from God that demands a response, a concrete action of commitment. Young people who want to take this step in the Redemptorist Congregation undergo vocational discernment and, in addition to being accompanied, are invited to participate in retreats and meetings. The Vocational Internship is one of those events, in which the person with a vocation takes a deep look inside himself, at his vocational history, and prays for his vocation.

This year, the Redemptorist Vocational Internship will be held from January 4th to 11th, at Casa de Eventos Seminary of the Forest, in Juiz de Fora (MG). “The Vocational Internship is the final stage of vocational accompaniment for those young people who want to be Redemptorist Missionaries – Priests or Brothers. During the year 2022, these young people participated in retreats, meetings, and lives, in favor of better vocational discernment. Now, they are going to take another step on this journey and, thus, we hope that they will make a serious discernment, which can flourish and bear good fruit”, pointed out Fr. Robson Araújo, C.Ss.R., Vocational Promoter of the Province of Rio.

The event has the collaboration of a work team, made up of psychologists, seminarians, and priests (Provincial Superior, Formators, and Vocational Promoter), who help in the development of the Internship. “The team is large because of the requirement for a structure that is in favor of the vocation so that he can make a good discernment. The team will help throughout the process so that everything can go as smoothly as possible,” said Fr. Robson.

The Redemptorist Missionary also points out the dynamics of the Vocational Internship. “During these days, the vocational, family, spiritual, and community dimensions will be worked on. It will be a time to deepen the human dimension and the vocational desire of the young person. After the Vocational Internship, there are two possibilities: the aspirant is invited to join a Redemptorist Vocational Community or he discovers, together with the work team, that his vocation has a path other than the religious one, another way that helps him to accomplish as a human being and a child of God.”

When taking stock of the Redemptorist vocational trajectory in the Province of Rio, in the year 2022, Fr. Robson positively assessed the advances achieved. “In 2022, the Redemptorist vocational path took great steps, especially in the virtual area, on social networks, and presented more missionary content. We had the opportunity to carry out more missionary work, vocational triduum, and missionary weeks, we were present in Aracruz (ES), Piedade do Rio Grande (MG), Barbacena (MG), Oitava de São Geraldo in Curvelo (MG). We invite young people; we present our spirituality and mission in places where they are often far from us. So, we had these possibilities to share our Redemptorist Charism. Let us pray for vocations and ask the Lord of the harvest to send more workers!”

Get in touch with the Redemptorist Vocational Ministry!
