21 young Redemptorist confreres, perpetually professed for less than 10 years, met from 10 to 13 April in Villa Marianella, Chinauta. This meeting brought together Redemptorists from different parts of the country, who gathered to share experiences, reflect on their religious vocation and strengthen their bonds of friendship and fraternity. The meeting was organized by the Province of Bogotá, and coordinated by Fr. Óscar Báez, chair of the Secretariat of Formation.
During the four days, the confreres worked on various topics – they were reflecting on and discussing living the religious vocation, the decisions taken at the last General Chapter of the Congregation, interpersonal relationships and how to take care of mental and physical health. The meetings were animated and guided by professionals in the field. In addition, there were sports activities and moments of sharing that allowed the participants to strengthen the bonds of community.
The event also included time for the celebration of the Eucharist and community prayer, in which the confreres renewed their commitment to their religious vocation and their service to the community.
One of the meeting highlights was the participation of the Provincial Superior, Fr. Luis Carlos Jaime Murillo, who shared his experience and reflected with the confreres on living the apostolic life as a Redemptorist. He also gave some recommendations and encouraged the young confreres to continue their service to the Church and the Congregation.

Certainly, the meeting created a space for valuable reflection and served to strengthen the confreres in their religious and missionary vocation.
Fr. Óscar David Tarazon Trujillo, C.Ss.R.