Vietnam: A new Redemptorist chapel in the mission area was blessed


April 15, 2023 – Pac Nam Chapel has just been blessed and put under the pastoral care of the new rector, Father Peter Nguyen Quang Doan, CSsR. The inaugural Mass in the new chapel was celebrated in the presence of a broad gathering: Fr. Joseph Nguyen Van Tinh, superior of the Na Phac Redemptorist community, priests and brothers in the Na Phac community and Cao Binh community, and many lay people in the mission area.

Pac Nam is a newly established mission station. To meet the missionary needs here, a new pastor was appointed to be in charge of the Pac Nam mission station and to serve the brothers and sisters here effectively.

The small chapel in the mission area is simple but cozy. From now on, a regular Eucharist celebration will be available for the faithful there.

May God bless the missionary work of Redemptorists in Pac Nam land for the H’mong people, bringing many good results.

Congratulations to Pac Nam parishioners from Bac Kan parish. Congratulations to Rector Peter Nguyen Quang Doan, CSsR. May this place become a source of God’s grace for everyone.

Picture: Fc Cao Hoang
Source: Jos Huu Hoan (Facebook)