Three Ordinations in the Vice Province of Majella, India


The year 2023 is a blessed year for us in the Vice Province of Majella, India, as three of our confreres received the gift of Priestly ordination. 

Fr Sebastian Kallarackal: On 24th April 2023, Deacon Sebastian Kallarackal was ordained to the Presbyterate by Bishop Sebastian Adayantharath of Mandya Diocese at Keechery Church, Ernakulam, Kerala, in Syro Malabar Rite. Last year on 25th April, Sebastian was critically ill and gradually was diagnosed with Acute Pancreatitis, which led to multiple organ failure. It was only a miracle that he recovered, and we are really blessed to have him with us as an ordained priest. We continue to pray for his complete recovery.

Fr Thomas Kizhakepallyvathukal: Deacon Thomas was the second one to be ordained. He received the priestly ordination on 29th April 2023 at St Alphonsa Forane Church, Vasai, India, by Bishop Thomas Elavanal of Kalyan Diocese. The ceremony was held in Syro Malabar Rite, attended by a large number of priests, religious and laity. 

Fr Vivek Colaco: Deacon Vivek Colaco was ordained a priest on 19th May 2023 at St Francis Xavier Church, Saverapura. This parish is run by the Redemptorists in the Diocese of Mangalore. Vivek was ordained by Bishop Peter Paul Saldanha of Mangalore Diocese. 

Sebastian, Thomas and Vivek are talented and devout men, filled with enthusiasm and zeal. As we rejoice in their celebration, we pray for their health and fruitful priestly ministry. May they be powerful witnesses, bringing God’s mercy to the most abandoned and thus be Missionaries of Hope in the footsteps of the Redeemer. 

Fr. Henry Fernandes, C.Ss.R.
Vice Provincial Superior