Redemptorist Missionaries of Haiti held their Assembly


The Regional Assembly of the Redemptorists of Haiti was held on 11 and 12 July this year. This Assembly was held in St. Clement’s House in the Bois Patate district of Port-au-Prince. It was attended by several confreres working in Haiti and the Dominican Republic. It should be noted that this extraordinary Assembly was held in view of the Provincial Chapter to be held at the end of July and beginning of August as a consequence of the process of Reconfiguration and Unification that the Congregation is carrying out.

During this Assembly, a historical overview of the Redemptorist presence in Haiti, starting with the Belgians, the Canadians and the relationship of the Region with the Province of San Juan, was carried out. The confreres shared their missionary experiences in the different places they worked on the Island.

Then, some of the brothers who collaborated in the drafting of the different commissions presented to the Assembly the different fundamental documents that would favour coexistence in the future Province. This meeting also gave space to the regional bursar to present the economic budget of the Region. Many brothers raised their concerns and wishes regarding the reconfiguration process. For his part, the Regional Superior shared some information on the Congregation in Haiti, especially on the process of reconfiguration and unification and the situation of some confreres.

An enquiry was made about the closure of the Region to make way for the creation of the new Province.
Finally, the Assembly ended with the celebration of the Eucharist presided over by Fr. Pétuel Gérard, C.S.R, our Regional Superior, who, during his homily, invited us to trust in God and look to the future with eyes full of hope, so that we can overcome our fears and continue to be missionaries of hope in the footsteps of the Redeemer in the lands of Central America and the Caribbean.

Fr. Renold Antoine, C.Ss.R