Redemptorists of Africa and Madagascar participate in the Assembly of the 3rd Phase of the General Chapter


The Conference of Redemptorists of Africa and Madagascar (COREAM) is celebrating the Phase III of the 26th General Chapter. The Assembly is taking place at Nairobi, in Kenya, precisely in the Center of the Donum Dei Sisters, from 12th to 18th July 2023, followed by the COREAM Assembly, from 19th to 21st July 2023.

There are 26 participants in the 3rd Phase in COREAM: Fr. Rogério Gomes, Superior General; Fr. Nicolas Ayouba, General Consultor; Fr. Noël Sottima, COREAM Coordinator; one COREAM Consultor; two moderators Fr. Joaquim Parron, from Campo Grande Province and Fr. Bento Katchingangu, from Luanda (Angola) Vice-Province; seven (V) Provincial, Regional and Mission Superiors, two (V) Provincial Vicars, six Vocals, one Representative of the Brothers, one Representative of the Lay Partners, two Translators/Notaries in French and one Notary in English.

Fr. General stated during the opening Mass that this 3rd Phase of the General Chapter was a Pentecost experience. The capitulars were asked to open themselves to the promptings of the Holy Spirit, who sends all to be missionaries of hope. He invited all to turn this time of Assembly into a Kairos, a time of God in our life.

The first days of the Assembly were filled with presentations, group discussions, and common prayer. They also have been marked by meaningful celebrations, such as the 10th anniversary of the Priestly Ordination of Fr. Godwin Abbah, the Vocal of Nigeria Vice-Province, that we celebrated yesterday.

The Assemblies of the 3rd Phase of the General Chapter are celebrated in the five Conferences in our Redemptorist Congregation in the succeeding year after the canonical (2nd) phase of the General Chapter concluded. Their focus is fourfold: 1) to communicate to the whole Congregation, through the Conferences, the spirit of the canonical phase of the General Chapter; 2) to discern ways to implement the decisions of the General Chapter to revitalize the vita apostolica of the Conference and to continue the process of restructuring and reconfiguration for mission; 3) to provide a platform for the General Government to present its plan for the next sexennium; and 4) to produce a strategic plan for the Conference for the next sexennium.  

Based on information submitted by Fr. Noël Sottima, CSsR