Spain: Redemptorist Missionary School online


The Spanish-speaking Redemptorist missionaries in the new Province of Europe South have made public an initiative called “Redemptorist Missionary School”. It is a course on theological fundamentals that seeks to enable pastoral agents to accompany, energize, and lead a faith group. 

This proposal was born as a response to the need to train especially catechists and young people of our youth ministry, in order to try to help them become missionary disciples. However, the course is not limited to them alone, but is open to all people who wish to be formed and go deeper into theological themes from our Redemptorist spirituality. We echo the words of Pope Francis in instituting the new ministry of the catechist:

“Catechists have an irreplaceable mission in the transmission and deepening of the faith. The lay ministry of the catechist is a vocation, a mission. To be a catechist means that one “is” a catechist, not that one “works as” a catechist, it is a way of being. There is a need for good catechists who are both accompaniers and pedagogues. We need creative people, who proclaim the Gospel, but who proclaim it, I don’t say with a mute, but not with a horn, but with their lives, with meekness, with a new language and opening new paths.”

You can access the course through a YouTube channel, which contains 48 videos distributed in six categories: Sacred Scripture, Dogmatics, Spirituality, Morals, Accompaniment, and Mission. These videos aim to respond to the six basic dynamisms of the life of faith: listening, believing, praying, living, growing, and proclaiming. 

The average length of each of the videos is 25 minutes and their production was possible thanks to the collaboration of consecrated Redemptorist missionaries, religious men and women from other congregations, as well as thanks to the invaluable help of lay men and women. In each of the videos, both formal and content aspects are worked on for the mission to be carried out, always seeking the exposition of the fundamental contents of faith and pastoral care in an accessible way, so that it can result in a better formation of our pastoral agents. 

You can find more information at:

And access the full course on various platforms:




Fr. Carlos A. Diego Gutiérrez, C.Ss.R.