Brazil: Recognition for a tireless Redemptorist missionary

Photo: Father Werner with his double diplomas.

Fr. Werner carried out missions in 600 communities

Fr. Werner Antônio Anderer, the Redemptorist of the Province of Nossa Senhora Aparecida, São Paulo Region, Brazil, completed his missionary work in 600 communities in September 2024. He spent 46 years working in Popular Missions, covering 300 parishes in 220 cities in 12 Brazilian states.

At 86 years of age, with 63 years of consecration in the Redemptorist Congregation and 57 years of priesthood, Father Werner has also worked in the pastoral care of the Sanctuary of Aparecida and the Sanctuary’s Publishing House.

In September, during his last apostolic work in the city of Muzambinho, MG, he received a double honour in the form of two diplomas from the Parish of São José and from the Municipality congratulating him for his extraordinary achievements.

Father Werner said he was happy to receive this double honour. In fact, he considers them dedicated not only to him individually but to the entire missionary body of the Congregation, to which he belongs and which he esteems. Werner concluded: “If I evangelized with the support of the missionary community, the entire community has also been honoured.”

Congratulations, Father Werner!