Spain: Formation meeting of the Redemptorists of the Province of Europe South


From September 23 to 25, a group of 14 Redemptorist missionaries from the Province of Europe-South met at the community of Perpetual Help in Madrid for a formation meeting. This is the first formation meeting of the new Province, in which priests with less than 10 years of ordination and those in formation participated, all ready to delve deeper into our Redemptorist Charism.

Father Gerardo Hernández, executive secretary of the General Secretariat for Formation, was in charge of guiding the meeting during these days. We were able to dive deeper into “The Redemptorist charism” and how important it is to know it well and live it adequately in order to be able to serve the Church and our Congregation.

We also had the opportunity to reflect on our journey and vocation, seeking the best way to live it with strength and dedication from our identity as Redemptorists. Another key topic was the importance and need for ongoing formation, which is fundamental for our missionary life.

We would like to thank Fr. Gerardo Hernández for his dedication and effort in guiding our formation during these days. We also thank the Provincial Superior, Fr. Gennaro Sorrentino, and the formators of the province: Fr. Maurizio Iannuario and Fr. Alberto Eseverri, who organized everything and accompanied us. We also thank the community of Perpetual Help in Madrid for their welcome. This meeting, conceived by the Secretariat of Formation of the province, has been an enriching and encountering experience that has helped us to reflect on our commitment as Redemptorist Missionaries. We are convinced that continuing to form ourselves is essential to keep our Charism alive in today’s world.

Deacon Javier Arenal, CSsR.