Spain: 100 Years of a Redemptorist Missionary Community of La Coruña


‘We have celebrated these 100 years with enthusiasm, joy and deep gratitude to the Most Holy Redeemer and Our Mother of Perpetual Help. On January 12, 2025, it has been ONE HUNDRED years since the foundation of this Redemptorist Community. It has been an outstanding missionary community, although, at present, there are only two confreres left, now grown up; with these words, Father Juan Manuel del Río, CSsR, wanted to share this news with the whole Congregation.

The celebration, which took place on 11 and 12 January, offered a complete programme: a moment of history by Fr. Juan Manuel del Río CSsR, two musical moments, and the central celebration with the solemn Eucharist presided over by the Archbishop of the diocese of Compostela, Mgr. Francisco J. Prieto, with many concelebrating redemptorist and diocesan priests.

Archbishop highlighted in his homily the enormous work carried out by the Redemptorist missionaries of this house, both through the popular missions and the propagation of the devotion to Our Mother of Perpetual Help in the whole region. ‘The Redemptorists have been a constant and faithful presence in our community, bringing the Word and the Good News to every corner of La Coruña’, he said.

Fr. Alberto Eseverri, CSsR, who was sent as the Provincial Superior’s representative for this great event, was present. He gave thanks for the 100 years of dedication in La Coruña and more than 140 years of mission in Galicia, remembering more than 60 Galician missionaries, among them Father Francisco Laje and Father Cancela, remembered for their devotion and service: ‘To give thanks is not simply to look at the past. To give thanks is to look to the future for all that has been lived, for all that has been sown, for all that is in our lives’.

The Redemptorists arrived in La Coruña in January 1925 and started preaching and evangelising through popular missions. Throughout all these years, they have been fervent bearers of the Word and the Good News, acting as instruments of the presence of Jesus Christ in the community. At present, the local Redemptorist community is composed of two confreres: Fr. Antonio Jiménez Campo, superior, and Fr. Juan Manuel del Río Lerga.

(Fr Juan Manuel del Río, CSsR / Scala News – Photos from the archdiocesan website, where one can also find an article about the celebration)

You can download a summary of the history of the Redemptorist presence in La Coruña (Spanish)