The Redemptorist Youth and Vocation Ministry of Argentina is experiencing a missionary summer. From January 5 to 10, the communities of La Rioja, Tucumán and Salta visited the cities of Palermo, Potrero, El Rodeo and La Poma, in Salta.
The mission had as its motto “I want to live…,” to which each day a phrase was added related to what they were reflecting on that day. “I want to live… Proclaiming your presence / happy to meet / sharing what I have / doing good / creating brotherhood / growing.”
This experience had as its main objective to share the Word of God with the locals. To this end, during the visits and celebrations we prayed together following the Alphonsian method of prayer. Other activities included the celebration of the Epiphany of the Lord and the day of the Three Kings, with games and gifts for the children.
On the other hand, the NEA and Central South regions are preparing to begin their missions from January 27 to February 1, in Lavalle (Corrientes) and Bella Vista (Buenos Aires), respectively.
We thank God for this time of proclamation and fraternal sharing.
Ministry of Youth
Province of Pedro Donders