HEARTSAPP Youth Retreat


A new heart I will give you, and a new spirit I will put within you, and I will remove from your body the heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. (Ez 36:26)

We had three days of graceful youth retreat from July 28 – 30, 2023 conducted at RRC, Vadavathoor, Kerala, India. It was titled HEARTSAPP YOUTH RETREAT. The title selection was really an inspiration where we focused on the above-mentioned Word of God from Ezekiel.


H – Hearing the Word of God

E – Encounter with the Lord

A – Accepting Who I Am

R – Reconciliation with God and Others

T – Taking Decisions in Life

S – Saving one’s Soul for the Lord

APP – Application

31 young friends were the participants for the same. God has shown His mercy and has filled the hearts of the participants with love. Adoration, Classes, Spiritual Sharing, Activities, Praise, and Worship sessions all had a divine touch and the participants could experience it well. They expressed that it was really a divine inspiration where we could fall in love with the Word of God. By His grace, we helped our young friends to log on to Hearts App (Sacred Heart) so that they can stay tuned with it and live a blessed life.

Liguori Province, India