Tuesday, November 15, 2016: Morning Session


Morning Prayer today was led by the Province of Saint Clement. They focused on Blessed Peter Donders and his service and availability for the most abandoned in Surinam.

Afterwords Fr. General informed us of the death of Mgr. Aloisius Zicham who laboured in Surinam for many years as a Redemptorist bishop.

We were also informed that today is the feast of our Vicar General, Fr. Alberto and also the birthday of Brother Gerardo. Congratulations were offered to both.

We then worked in groups all morning on the part of the working document which deals with renewed structures.

After this votes were taken on a large number of proposals to decide whether they should continue to the floor of the chapter as possible Postulata.

30956911706_a9c2ceead5_kFinally the morning ended with a ‘listening session’ in the groups in which we were asked to consider two questions from the moderators:

What issues in mission and consecrated life do you think are of great significance and have not yet been discussed?

What contribution would you like to make on these issues?

Ronald J. McAinsh, C.SS.R.